In thinking about this whole blogging thing, I decided to take a small break from the publishing adventure and send out my little take on the blogging phenomenon. It really is a new experience for this old artist, and while I'm mostly fascinated by the possibilities (none of which have surfaced just yet), I also find myself slightly in wonderment at the magnetic draw blogging seems to have on the human desire to communicate. Again, fascinating.
Instead of launching one of my wordy bloggy bloggs of introspection and opinion, I will just post the following little poem (regarding the blog) that I recently patched together. It is, perhaps, not great literature, but it says some stuff. Enjoy.
Do you blog? Are you blogging? Logging? Flogging?
Hot Dogging? Are you pedagoging in verbose delight?
Can you still speak out loud in a small or large crowd without logging in on a site?
Can you converse without digital candor? Can you say what is right -
without dimming the light of honest conversational meander?
I wonder.
Blogging on line is really so fine 'cause doing it frees me to rant.
To say what I mean without being seen and no one can say that I can't -
just put on the page, my anger - my rage, my personal flap doodle slant
on all things whatever, the dumber the better, and there's never a need to recant.
When blogging gets dicey my language turns spicy - "Take that, you bugger,"
I chant. How cool is that?
Some folks use blogs to clean out the clogs - it's rather like digital rolfing.
And seen in this way, you'd probably say we should just change the name
to Blowfing.
But Blowfers you see, would then charge a fee for their therapeutical
on-line ravings.
The rest of us twitters would all get the jitters 'cause we couldn't pay
for our cravings.
We'd be reduced then to texting - a habit so vexing, it's totally not worth
the savings.
And besides, I can't read your writing.
So let's hear it for blogging - let's all keep on logging those hours of digital mush.
Conversing this way - most bloggers would say, is really one heck of a rush.
As the poem above indicates, anyone reading this should feel free to make bloggy comments.
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